Swimmers Knee Treatment
Although many believe swimming is one of the safest sports, it causes several injuries. In many instances, individuals may experience injuries such as swimmers knee. This injury, also known as breaststroker’s knee, is a painful condition and widespread following swimmer’s shoulder. Continue reading to learn more about swimmers knee treatment, symptoms, and causes.
How Do You Get Swimmers Knee?
When experiencing swimmers knee, many individuals are performing a breaststroke. This act causes stress on the inner ligaments of the knee, done by the kicks that are powering the breaststroke. When the leg extends, the knee undergoes an external rotation and can potentially strain your ligaments. The risk increases for inexperienced swimmers or those with poor technique and can lead to further damage.
What to Expect with Swimmers Knee Treatment
Treatment for this injury often depends on intensity and urgency. Individuals experiencing minor discomfort should increase warm-ups, decrease high-intensity training, and consistently use an ice pack. When people disregard initial recommendations, the condition can lead to second and third stages of severity and increase the possibility of surgery.
At Performance OSM, our team of knee specialists will focus on accurately diagnosing and treating your knee pain. Whether it be ACL, PCL, or MCL tears, we can help. Visit our website to learn about the knee injuries we specialize in today.
Swimmers knee varies in severity, so the warning signs differ for every individual. Here are a few symptoms you may experience:
• General knee pain
• Inflammation
• Swelling
• Sharp pains
If left untreated and worsening, this condition can take away an individual’s chances of swimming again at a competitive level. Don’t let your injuries get out of hand. Visit our website to learn more about the swimmers knee treatment we offer.